Fire Your Boss

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Constructing your Perfect Work at Home Business Idea

By Stephen Karanja

Working at home is a dream for many individuals who intend to make it a reality. Tired of long commutes, disgruntled employers and taking the children to daycare each and every day, individuals think long and hard about the perfect work at home business idea. In order to successfully construct a possible work at home business idea, the prospective business owner should consider a few different factors.

Part Time or Full Time

First and foremost, one should determine whether they wish to construct a work at home business idea for full time work or part time work. This will help the individual to better determine what line of work would be best. The hours that one is able to devote to their new business is an important concept to consider as certain jobs are more suited to part time work as opposed to full time work and vice versa.

One Individual or Multiple Employees Needed

It is also important to consider whether the business owner will be working alone or with others. Certain businesses need extra manpower whereas others are best carried out by one individual alone. In order to construct the best work at home business idea possible, the prospective business owner should determine whether they will be hiring any help to aid in the successful running of the business.

Space Available

One who is looking to start a business and run it out of their home should consider how much space is available to devote to the business and how much space a particular type of business will need. An individual will most likely already know how much room they have in which to operate their new business and this will help them to decide which type of business can be operated out of the home and which type cannot.

Overhead Costs

Although overhead costs of home-run businesses may not be as high as one who works out of their home, there still may be some types of business overhead involved. Prior to choosing a particular business, one should determine how much overhead they can afford and then narrow down their business choices with overhead costs in mind.

Desires of the Consumer Market

One who is developing the perfect type of work at home business idea must keep in mind the needs of the consumers. There are certain products and services which simply are not needed these days and one should try to avoid those types of goods and services. An individual who is trying to develop the perfect at home business idea will need to choose a business that will create a buzz amongst consumers and the business must be one that is needed by the general public. This will help to ensure the overall success of the work at home business idea.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, August 28, 2006

Tips for Finding the Perfect Home Business Income Opportunity

By Stephen Karanja

Finding the perfect home business income opportunity is something which many individuals would like to see happen with regard to their employment options. Working from home provides many wonderful things for individuals such as not needing daycare providers, not having to commute and being able to work in a casual, comfortable environment. There are a few tips for finding the perfect home business income opportunity which individuals may appreciate to help them with their search.

Search Reputable Websites Online

One way in which individuals can find the perfect home business income opportunity is by searching on reputable websites which are available online to see what their options may be. By using a search engine and entering in terms relating to their desired home business income opportunities, the individual may find that there is a wealth of options available to them. Searching on websites for home business opportunities may yield great results for some individuals.

Obtain References

Another way to find a home business income opportunity is to obtain references from friends and family members who may currently be operating a home-based business or have done so in the past. By obtaining references of this type, one will be gaining advice from a trusted and reputable source as well as know whether this was a lucrative opportunity for the individual. Obtaining references is an important option to keep in mind.

Have Specifics in Mind

Prior to searching for a home business income opportunity, one should have specifics in mind relating to the home-based business. Items such as business type, hours needed to put in and number of individuals on hand to run the business are all things which should be considered by the future business owner prior to embarking on their search.

Consult “How To” Books

Although the Internet is a great resource to utilize when searching for the best home business income opportunity, one should not neglect to consult books relating to the subject of home businesses. There are a number of reputable “How To” books on the subject of starting home businesses and these are great references not only for finding home business income opportunities but also for helpful checklists relating to starting up the business.


A home business income opportunity is a wonderful thing to consider engaging in, whether on a full time or part time basis. In order to choose the best type of home-based business opportunity, the future business owner should search reputable websites online to gain information and obtain references. In addition, the individual should have specifics in mind relating to the desired business and consult books regarding home business opportunities. By doing these things, the individual will be that much more likely to see beneficial results.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Network Marketing is about Sharing

Copyright © Stephen Karanja

Many people have negative notions about network marketing. They associate network marketing with recruiting others into an opportunity, building downlines, selling, drawing lists of prospects, phoning the prospects, money etc. While these may be part of network marketing, in reality network marketing is something positive. Network marketing is about sharing your opportunity with others, especially those that you care about.

Sharing is associated with something good, beneficial, positive and rewarding. You share a good experience, delicious meal, a good story etc. Sharing is about positivity and not negativity. Bad things are not shared. Normally we share an opportunity because it is something good. It is something we want the other person to have and experience.

If we approach network marketing from a sharing perspective, we can avoid negativity. Those who have succeeded in network marketing always say that they do not try to sell the opportunity but they share it. They tell others about it. In other words, they do not attempt to force it on others. They just share and let those who want to take it, do so. They are not bothered about those who do not accept their sharing. The key notion here is share or tell and move on to the next. Share and move on.

The great network marketers know that you cannot force someone onto something they do not want or he or she is not ready for. Just like the Biblical parable of the sower demonstrates, not all that is sown will bear fruits. Only the seeds that fall on the good soil germinate, grow and bear fruits. Those that fall on the rocks are eaten by birds, those that fall on the dry land wither, those that fall on thorns are pierced by thorns and wither.

A good networker marketer is like a sower who scatters his or her seeds hoping that some will fall on good soil. He or she does not stop to gather those that fall on the sideways but will continue sowing. To succeed in network marketing stop selling and start to share. Tell others about the opportunity and the benefits. There are many ways of sharing and when you phone someone share, do not sell.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Copyright © Stephen Karanja

There is too much information on making money on the internet but very little on how you can in reality succeed. Most of the "self-proclaimed gurus" do not give their "students" a step by step system that the latter can easily duplicate. Instead they overhelm the student with information. What I would like to see is a "guru" who tells me that I do not need all that other information and instructions out there and demonstrates this through his or her teachings. The few who try to do this unfortunately end up piling so many to buy resources overhelming their recruits even before they make any dime. What I would therefore look for is a system that gives step by step internet marketing instructions combining different techniques of success such as how to attrack highly targeted leads, advertising, prospecting and converting prospects to buying customers. At the same time I should be able to make money with my upfront massive action without busting a beginners budget. Does such a system exist or do we need to create one?

Perhaps it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel. In the internet there are many such systems but as noted earlier they do not pass the test. My advice, choose carefully!

About the Author: I have worked online for more than ten years.
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: